Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Composition of Bee Bread

Composition of Bee Bread

*The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration and do not serve as substitute for medical advice. Our products
are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.

Bee bread is a fermented mixture of bee saliva, plant pollen, and nectarthat the worker bees use as food for the larvae and for young bees to produce royal jelly. Bee Bread increases its’ nutritional value due to the fermentation process performed by worker bees.

Beebread is about 20% proteins, 24-34% carbohydrates and 1,5 % of lipids. BeeBread has a large variety of minerals and has high quantities of iron, cobalt, phosphorus, calcium. It is one of the richest natural foods containing selenium . Beebread is also an excellent source of potassium and B-group vitamins. Amino acids, which are predigested for easy assimilation in the ratio that the human body needs, constitute about 15% of the dry substance in beebread. It is a natural nourishing supplement rich in phytohormones, flavonoids, amino acids, minerals and other active biological compounds, with bioavailability at least three times more than regular bee pollen. This complex of vital substances determines the immune stimulating nature of Bee Bread.

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, PP, E, D, K, H
Minerals: P, S, CI, K, Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, Co, Mo, Se, Cr, Ni, Si
Amino Acids: phenylalanine, leucine, valine, isoleucine, arginine, histidine, lysine, methionine, threonine and tryptophan

pH: 4.3
Lactic acid level: 3.1%
Minerals: 2.43%
Proteins: 22%
Sugars: 35%
Fats: 1.6%

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Amino Acids and Bee Products

Amino Acids and Bee Products

We've talked about bee products like royal jellyand bee pollen and how they contain amino acids. In the case of royal jelly, we've discussed how the amino acid content might account for much of its effectiveness. So at this stage we should take a more in-depth look at some of the amino acids contained in bee products.

Amino Acids

There are 22 standard amino acids which the human body assimilates from food.
Of the 22 standard amino acids, 8 are termed essential amino acids - which cannot be synthesized from any compounds other than food – it is important that our diet provides us with natural replenishment of essential amino acids through foods and dietary supplements. Bee products such as royal jelly and bee pollen are high in amino acid content, and can supplement our amino acid intake alongside foods.
Here are the amino acids, along with links to more description in some cases -
Also noteworthy is creatine .
Bee products are known to provide us with the essential amino acids that our body’s need, but it’s important to retain the ‘live’ state of the product and not to subject it to harmful processing.
We recommend that you continue to read and research the importance of amino acids, then consider products like 'Total Bee Plus' as a compound product containing royal jelly, bee pollen, propolis and honey - all four bee products combined in one capsule. Look right for links to the product. The subject of amino acids is also covered in the popular book - "Power of the Beehive" which you may download freely here
Other Amino Acids include L-Carnosine Amino Acids - L-Carnosine
Amino Acids in Bee Products Explained Amino Acids and Bee Products
A Summary of branch chained amino acids Branch Chained Amino Acids
Creatine - not strictly an amino acid but worthy of discussion Amino Acids - Creatine
Glutamine Discussion Amino Acids - Glutamine
Ornithine amino acid Ornithine with Arginine

Bee Propolis Benefits To The Immune System and human consumption

Bee Propolis Benefits To The Immune System

The immune system plays a critical role in sustaining health and vitality. A healthy immune system protects us from disease and infection and is key when considering longevity or "anti aging" - propolis may help boost the immune system, lets take a look at how and why through an indepth review of propolis extract benefits.
Various natural ingredients purport to provide aid to a healthy immune system, one of these is nature's own propolis. The key to understanding the role of the immune system can be researched fully from the many medical studies which have been conducted, most of which are available to you online. It is important to know that as we age, approaching our mid thirties and beyond, the immune system weakens. The weakening immunity which our body provides can make us more susceptible to contracting illnesses, many of which can develop into serious and life threatening conditions, such as cancer.

Cell degeneration is a product of a deteriorating immune system, yet we may be able to slow the process by introducing natural combatants, such as propolis. Offering a range of active 'flavonoids', propolis may work to promote cellular regeneration and actually support the immune system via its cell building compounds.

Of course, there are very different grades of bee propolis, and it is necessary to select your source with some care. We need to ensure enzyme activity along with nutritionally active vitamins and minerals, for the power of propolis to be useful to us in a potential medicinal sense. A nutritionally 'dead' product may have some benefit when applied to the skin topically, but as an immune support agent it provides very little. The integrity of the collected substance must maintain flavonoids in their original combination for it to provide some benefits.

It is possible to get quite technical at this point, but rather than do that we'll focus on the substance itself, the propolis extract benefits and sources, and provide links to more detailed medical resources towards the end of this review.

In a nutshell, it is understood that the flavonoids in propolis may work to block the release of histamine which works to develop the efficacy of the immune system and obstruct the formation of many common illnesses.

It's interesting to understand how propolis is used around the hive, as a clue to what it might do to us humans. Understanding that propolis is collected by bees from trees such as pine/poplar, horse chestnut willow and birch, we need to look what role the sap plays in protecting the trees from the natural contaminants to which it is exposed in the plant and animal kingdom. In doing so we find that sap has antibiotic properties which work to protect the trees from viral and bacterial types of infection. So it isn't just by chance that the bees chose to work with sap and natural plant resins in constructing the hive complex. In fact, utilizing the saps and resins in the construction process is a small part of the selection process - the saps, mingled with the natural bee secretions, form an extremely powerful anti-viral, anti-biotic, anti fungal agent which sanitizes the interior of the hive and protects its many residents.


How Propolis Might Benefit Your Health

premium grade propolis extrac For many years, Propolis was looked upon as being just a material bees used to repair their hives. Subsequent research has shown that the benefits of Propolis reach much further than being merely a glue or cement.

Propolisis formed from a residue of plant material that bees have gathered. Usually, they choose sap from a tree, buds, or resin from tree bark, and return to the hive whereupon it is put to good use. Once in place, the sap or resin is mixed with pollen, wax, bee bread, and nectar to form Propolis.

It is odd that the ancient Romans and Greeks understood some of the valuable properties of this substance, but knowledge of its benefits seem to have been lost for many centuries. Fortunately, interest in natural healing substances has brought about a renewal in the interest of Propolis as a healing agent.

Far from being only a cementing agent, Propolis performs a number of valuable functions for the hive. Fungal infections can destroy a colony, as can bacterial ones, but Propolis helps to prevent these infections and keep the hive clean and sanitary. Simply by rubbing against the Propolis, the bees help to protect themselves against infection from the external elements, but also help to spread the inhibitory qualities throughout the hive.

Propolis has long been valued for treating burns and minor skin wounds and infections. In this case, it would be applied topically and not only will it act as a bactericide, but its anti inflammatory properties help to reduce swelling and irritation. Even more healing power from Propolis may be obtained by taking it as an oral supplement, as it contains many vitamins and minerals which may help with the efficiency of the immune system.

A veritable scourge of modern society is herpes. This is a viral infection for which there is no recognized cure – once you have herpes it will be with you throughout your life. This is a painful and sometimes debilitating disease that often does not respond to conventional medicines. Propolis has been shown to have a powerful antiviral effect both in the petri dish and in the test subject. Propolis seems to interfere with the ability of the Herpes virus to enter the cell in order to infect it. These properties of Propolis seem to operate both before a Herpes infection has occurred and afterwards.

Yeast infections can be persistent and recurring. They can be almost impossible to extinguish, especially if your immune system is not functioning well. Most yeast infections occur in the mouth or vagina, although they can be systems-wide or occur on the skin surface. While many of these infections resist a conventional course of treatment, Propolishas qualities that might work to help stop most yeast infections naturally. As Propolis works to protect the bee colony from fungi, so it might help to eliminate yeast infections in humans and prevent their recurrence. It has also been found to be very effective against the oral yeast infections which haunt denture wearers

Endometriosis is an autoimmune disease affecting up to 30% of women. The symptoms of this condition can range from mild pain during menstruation to infertility. While there are drugs designed to treat endometriosis available, their side effects can be serious. However, it has been proven that some endometriosis caused infertility can be corrected by using a Propolis supplement. Happily, there were no side effects reported from the study, so the women participating experienced no problems with high blood pressure or depression associated with hormonal treatments. And, perhaps the best result of all was that 60% of the women with endometriosis - associated infertility were able to become pregnant after taking Propolis regularly. This compared most favorably with the 20% pregnancy rate of the control group that took a placebo.

Propolis has also shown its worth in treating that most dreaded of diseases – cancer. Both in the laboratory and in clinical trials, Propolis has shown anti-cancer abilities that may hold out hope for those suffering from this condition. While human testing is just beginning, patients have had the blood supply to the tumor restricted and the growth of the tumor has been stopped. Besides acting directly on the tumor, Propolis may also help to rally the immune system so that the body can more effectively fight against this life-threatening disease.

Total Bee Plus - Is our best selling product containing a potent dose of propolis extract. We use a patented extraction process to obtain pure raw ingredients which are nutritionally intact.

Learn more about the benefits of propolis and other bee products around our website. Here are some shortcuts to get you to the information quickly


When looking at the products from the beehive it's hard to ignore the power of propolis. This substance may provide us with a range of benefits both when ingested and used topically, but where does this “bee glue” come from, just what exactly is Propolis?
Bees collect resins from tree bark, leaves and plant life including tree buds, sap flows, and various other botanical sources, and combine them with their own secretions to create propolis. The biological role of resin in trees is to defend against bacteria and fungi and also insects and other living organisms. So the bees, in collecting these resins, inherit their medicinal properties for use around their own hive.
Its primary function around the hive includes improving the structure of the actual beehive and closing certain gaps and openings. Beeswax is also used to seal larger cracks in the hive wall but propolis benefits the environment in important ways that beeswax cannot. The most important use of this substance in the beehive is as an anti-viral anti-biotic agent. It is used to create a sterile environment and stop the spread of disease in the bee colony. Various small animals and insects find their way into the hive during the course of its life cycle, and invariably cannot find their way out – they die within the confines of the hive walls. In the case of smaller insects, the bees can actually remove their carcases from the hive, but with larger animals and rodents, a field mouse for example, the bees use propolis to coat the carcass and and basically seal it, preventing the growth and spread of viruses and fungi.
Obviously it becomes easy to see why bee propolismay have benefits to man. Its potent anti viral and antibiotic properties are of great interest in the medical community, where it is being examined as a possible alternative to chemical antibiotics or in some cases a partner to make them more effective.
The substance appears most commonly as a dark brown color but it is also found in other colors such as red and green. As with other substances extracted from the hive, propolis exhibits regional and seasonal variations, making it difficult to provide a specific list of nutritional elements.
Since we've discussed its topical benefits - relief of various conditions, including inflammations, viral diseases, ulcers, burns etc - it should also be noted that the core constituent of propolis, mainly resin, is an abundant source of flavonoids. As such it is taken as a dietary supplement and associated with treating a range of conditions and promoting specific types of health. Propolis is believed to promote heart health, strengthen the immune system and reduce the chances of cataracts, as examples of the benefits of propolis.
propolis benefits These claims have various levels of support, not all of which are of the highest integrity. But some of the health benefit claims are being or have been clinically investigated, with studies published in biomedical literature. One area where there seems to be little contention into the possibility of real tangible benefits is in the area of dental hygiene and the treatment of mouth sores, ulcers and cankers. Various companies offer propolis toothpaste and others offer various forms of canker sore treatments, usually a liquid propolis blend in some form of spray.
In a reference article found here the following information was published -
Propolis is bee-produced substance with pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It is an ingredient of many drugs; it is added to toothpastes as a prophylactic component for periodontal diseases. The plaque-cleaning, plaque-inhibiting and anti-inflammatory actions of the silicate paste were studied. The study included 42 individuals in good clinical health and a minimum of 20 intact teeth. Control exams were performed on days 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28. The baseline values gradually decreased after each control tooth brushing with a statistically significant difference between them. The toothpaste shows very good plaque-cleaning, plaque-inhibiting and anti-inflammatory effect”.
So clearly, there are some health benefits to using bee propolis, at least insofar as its use in dental hygiene. But it is not difficult to find other forms of clinical research into using the substance to benefit health in other ways too, so it seems that these benefits, though not fully explored, not fully corroborated, do have some basis in medical fact.

Antibiotic Prescriptions and Natural Alternatives

It was interesting to read the release of 'new' research into the use and effect of prescription antibiotics today, found first on the BBC ( website.
The studies, reported to be 'new' are basically only adding weight to something the medical community has known about for years, and we have written about countless times - over-prescribing antibiotics can lead to the body developing a resistance against their effects/benefits. It actually goes deeper than that. It turns out that around 25% of people wrongly believe that antibiotics work on viral infections like colds and flu, when in fact they have no effect on viruses, which happen to be the cause of most respiratory tract infections manifesting as coughs/colds etc.
So not only are we over-prescribing, we are also taking antibiotics for the wrong type of ailments. Now it could be that doctors are not directly prescribing AB's to treat coughs and the common cold, the problem is that they are prescribing them for just about everything else, and the public invariably end up with a medicine cabinet of partially used antibiotics which they later self-prescribe for any 'cold' like ailments which occur. This practice is clearly unsafe and could fuel drug resistance.
"The HPA poll of 1,800 people in England also found one in 10 people keep leftover antibiotics - and many would self-medicate next time they got ill"
In addition to the problem of self-medication is the intense pressure placed on Doctors to prescribe a medication which has been heavily advertised on TV and other media outlets such as the internet. This phenomenon is particularly rife in the USA where billions of dollars are spent each year to promote pharmaceutical products to the public. This is a potentially damaging practice, since it's placing power in the hands of people who are not qualified to use it.
The upshot of this situation is that we are seeing the potential for a significant rise in untreatable infections. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control said that antimicrobial resistance "is one of the most serious public health challenges that we face in the EU" and could cost at least 1.5bn euros.
But 70% were aware of the problem of antibiotic resistance in hospitals, and a similar number were aware that they or their family could be affected.
Health professionals must learn to resist demands from the public for treatments they know have little or no effect on coughs and colds. In a recent European study by the HPA it was found that 97% of people questioned said that the last time they had asked their healthcare practitioner for an antibiotic, they were prescribed one.

The majority of coughs/colds get better without medication - antibiotics do not speed recovery
• Coughing up phlegm does not suggest a need for antibiotics
• A sore throat plus runny nose with phlegm suggests the infection is less likely to respond to antibiotics
• A high temperature, red throat and feeling ill suggests you may benefit from an antibiotic
• If you feel able to stop taking them early, you may well not have needed them
• Always take all doses for as long as instructed
• Never keep any leftovers - what's prescribed for one infection might not work for the next
• GPs can give a delayed antibiotic prescription for you to take only if things get worse
• In cases of severe illness, antibiotics can save lives

Dr Clare Gerada, chair of the Royal College of GPs, said: "Antibiotics are a wonderful thing when used properly, but they are not a cure-all for every condition, and should not be seen, or used, as such.
"The opposite is often true and, when used excessively or inappropriately, they can actually do more harm than good - reducing a patient's immunity to illnesses, or building up an immunity to antibiotics, both of which can have negative consequences for good health."
There is growing concern amongst the medical community that the drugs' usefulness may be coming to an end. Antibiotic resistance has reached "unprecedented levels", with more than 25,000 people dying (in Europe 2010) from bacterial infections that were resistant to antibiotic drugs.
As the director general of the World Health Organization, Dr Margaret Chan, put it: "The world is heading towards a post-antibiotic era in which many common infections will no longer have a cure and, once again, kill unabated."
So are there natural alternatives to these drugs and is it possible that a natural alternative might provide the type of resistance that the body does not develop immunity toward? There are substances which are of significant interest and have at least significant potential in the arena of antibiotics. Propolis has been discussed at length through our website and is one such substance. But the cost of taking a drug from discovery to market is estimated at around £700m. And that is the cost on Pounds GB and applicable to UK and European markets, in the USA it is considerably higher. Then of course there's the resistance from the drug companies via their powerful lobbyists who act to prevent the progress of any naturally derived substances from entering the markets.
Colin McKay, from the European Federation of the Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, said: "It is very difficult to make economically viable models for antibiotics."
"With heart medication or anti-depressants a lot of people take them for a long time so you can make money back. An antibiotic that works is unlikely to be used for more than a couple of weeks."
Now taking the step from having a serious issue with the over-prescribing of antibiotics and its associated consequences on the body developing a lasting resistance, to suggesting that propolis or any other substance for that matter, might be a solution, is taking a very long step indeed. Clearly there are middle stages that must be explored and we haven't really made sufficient inroads into the necessary clinical research at this stage. But from what has been researched, their is a clear indication of 'potential' and many deem it significant enough potential to warrant additional stages of research.
Propolis and its benefits have been under review by the World Health Organization and they consider it a 'natural cure'. Its popularity is ever increasing, due to concentrations of flavonoids which appear to be responsible for the antibiotic effects of Propolis. Flavonoids are not only antibacterial substances, they are also active for the treatment of ulcers, rheumatism, flu and cold symptoms along with respiratory ailments and other breathing issues. In a sense this gives us a broader range of uses than most prescription antibiotics can. We must yet learn the longer term impact of using propolis and to see whether or not the body creates a natural resistance to the properties of the substance.
Certain studies pertaining to the above suggest that this is not the case, that propolis may be used in the longer term without the negative impact of building resistance to the treatment. These claims have yet to be confirmed.

Royal jelly- benifits to your health

Royal Jelly - Benefits to your Health

Royal Jelly is a creamy white substance synthesized by the common worker bee for the sole nourishment of the Queen bee and has been shown to provide a host of benefits to our health.
Royal jelly benefitsbecome more apparent once we examine its role in the diet of the Queen bee. The Queen bee is remarkable in its extended longevity and reproductive capability when compared to the worker bee. The Queen lives almost ten times longer then the worker bee: five years for the Queen, and less than six weeks for the worker bee. The Queen grows to be almost 50% larger than the worker and has exceptional reproductive capabilities, laying almost 2500 eggs in a single day.

So how does the Queen bee achieve this remarkable longevity? – Royal Jelly. The Queen is hatched from the same egg as the worker bee but is selected to receive a diet of pure royal jelly, while the common worker bee feeds off honey and other substances around the hive. Royal Jelly benefits the Queen bee in many ways and transforms her into an incredible insect, enhancing her physical performance to remarkable levels.

Royal Jelly Uses

- Taken widely to

  • help combat the effects of allergies
  • as an energy booster
  • may help with the affects of stress and fatique
  • For Hair / Skin / Nails
  • Often Taken for longevity
  • as a potent anti-aging supplement.

View more uses for royal jelly

Not surprisingly, man has shown much interest in royal jellyand has long sought to unlock the benefits and recreate the substance artificially. Many studies have been performed to try to establish its nutritional content and the effect and benefit of those nutrients on living beings.
Royal jelly is the only natural source of pure acetylcholine. It has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties and has been implicated as beneficial in a wide range of health conditions. It is associated with benefits to bronchial asthma, insomnia, and many skin problems. It is known to support the immune system and may be of benefit in liver, kidney, and pancreatic diseases as well as stomach ulcers and bone fractures.

What is the chemical composition of Royal Jelly?

It contains approximately 12% protein, 5-6% lipids and 12-15% carbohydrates. It’s B Vitamin content is high, and with 17 amino acids, including all 8 essential amino acids, it is a nutritious hormone-rich substance with a wide spectrum of potential benefits. Royal Jelly also contains around 15% aspartic acid, which is important for tissue growth, muscle and cell regeneration.

  • Vitamin Content?Vitamin B I (Thiamine) 1.5 to 7.4 mcg
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 5.3 to 10.0 mcg
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 2.2 to 10.2 mcg
  • Niacin (nicotinic acid) 91.0 to 149.0 mcg
  • Pantothenic Acid 65.0 to 200.0 mcg
  • Biotin 0.9 to 3.7 mcg
  • Inositol 78.0 to 150.0 mcg
  • Folic Acid 0.16 to 0.50mcg
  • Vitamin C Trace amount

Benefits of royal jelly - Many of the benefits are associated with its high concentration of essential amino acids, and we refer you to our chapter on amino acids for more information and more possible benefits to explore. Royal Jelly as a natural bee supplement.

In short, Royal Jelly has been noted for its potential benefits on:
• energy
• chronic fatigue
• skin / hair / nails / bones / joints
• hormonal regulation
• asthma
• sexual vitality / impotence
• weight regulation
• rejuvenation - recovery from illness
• immune system stimulant
• cholesterol levels
• cardiovascular health
• anti-depressive / anti-anxiety
• high blood pressure
• mental condition / memory
• depression
• arthritis
• liver ailments / conditions
• eczema / impetigo / skin disorders
• diabetes

Can Man Recreate Royal Jelly?– No. Studies have uncovered some of the nutritional properties of this substance, but much remains undiscovered.

Dr. Albert Saenz of the Pasteur Institute in Paris wrote:

"Numerous studies demonstrate the existence of fractions in Royal Jelly which correspond to 97 percent of the substance, plus an undermined fraction whose very presence could explain the remarkable and mysterious properties of Royal Jelly." He continues, " Here's yet another product of the beehive with a touch of the bee's magic in it. I suppose some day science will figure out what these unidentifiable elements are and some researcher will try to manufacture them. Until then, the only place to get these mystery nutrients is from the bees."

How is it processed for human consumption? Royal Jelly is a liquid containing approximately 67% water, and as such is prone to contamination once it is removed from the sterile environment of the beehive.
Once removed from the hive it must be processed quickly to prevent contamination, ideally within two or three hours. Processing generally involves one or a combination of the following steps:
• Treating the product with a chemical preservative.
• Lyophilizing the product (removing the water, often termed freeze-drying)
• Adding a natural preservative like honey.
• Freezing the substance or attempting to maintain it in a refrigerated state.

Which royal jelly has most benefits, fresh or freeze dried ?
The favored process is lyophilizing or freeze-drying. This removes the water without effecting the nutrient quality of the product and creates a white powder which can be capsulated for human consumption. Once in capsulated form the product generally has a shelf life of 4 years and does not require refrigeration.
Many questions are raised about the nutritional quality of Royal Jelly, and usually relate to the issue of processing:- "freeze-dried versus non-freeze dried".
Freeze drying ‘locks-in’ the nutritional content of the product and removes any doubts about handling the product down the line. For example, if you choose liquid royal jelly which is sold as ‘requiring refrigeration’, how do you know that the product has been stored and transported in a refrigerated state, and that it isn’t in a partially decomposed state with diminished nutritive properties.

Royal Jelly – A veritable jewel of nutrition and recognized as a potent bringer of energy, vitality and a variety of health benefits. It differs in its nutritional properties from bee pollen and propolis, offering a broad range of amino acids and other nutrients which may be of benefit to your health.
It is rich in minerals, natural hormones, B vitamins, fatty acid, and folic acids, along with aspartic acid which is important for tissue regeneration and growth. It contains all essential amino acids required to sustain life.
Visit here for a wide range of royal jelly, bee pollen and propolis products
The amino acids in royal jelly are of significant interest to nutritionists and may in fact be the primary source of royal jelly benefits. Long associated with the ability to fight ‘free-radicals’ in the body, amino acids form the very basis of our chemical make-up, and are essential to growth and the ability to fight infection and disease. In most cases we cannot create our own amino acids, we must ingest them through the foods that we eat. The importance of amino acids and the fact that they are so abundant in bee products warrants special attention. It is in our section ‘Amino Acids’ that we will reveal the true potential of the product as a nutritive substance that is rich in amino acids.

Royal Jelly and our health:-

Royal Jelly (along with bee pollen, propolis and honey) contains a natural source of essential nutrients which the body needs to maintain good health. Maintaining good health is especially hard in today’s increasingly toxic environment. Both our food supply and our diet is often deficient in important nutrients. Therefore these benefits, we need to supplement our diet with products such as royal jelly and the other products of the beehive
Royal jelly also has a yeast inhibiting function which may prevent conditions such as thrush and athlete’s foot. It is also used to treat muscular dystrophy, MS and Parkinson’s disease as well as reduce allergic symptoms and help control cholesterol levels. Also of significance, it has been found to be of great help in boosting the body’s resistance to the harmful side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. These treatments attack the immune system at its very core, and in many cases the actual treatment delivers a debilitating blow and not the illness itself. Royal Jelly with its high amino acid content can help the immune system and provide a basic defense against external elements that ordinarily attack the immune system and reduce our capability for defense. Supplementing our diet with Royal Jelly and capitalizing on its array of health benefits helps to rebuild the good cells that are destroyed by chemotherapy and helps to strengthen the immune system.

Royal Jelly also contains the amino and gamma globulin, which helps your immune system fight off viral infections. It also contains sterols, phosphorous compounds and acetylcholine, which is needed to transmit nerve messages from cell to cell.
Like propolis, it also appears to have anti-tumor properties. A team of Japanese researchers gave the substance to one of two groups of laboratory mice before transplanting different types of cancer cells in them. The royal jelly had dramatic effects on sarcoma cells. The life-span of the mice was extended by about one-fifth and tumor sizes were about half the size, compared with untreated mice, according to a report in the journal Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshji-Folia Pharmacologica Japonica (Feb. 1987;89:73-80).

Frequently Asked Questions about Royal Jelly

Q - What is Royal Jelly? -

A - Quite simply, royal jelly is a creamy yellow sustance that is secreted by worker bees in the beehive, for the nourishment of the Queen bee. (secretion from the hypopharyngeal glands located on either side of the head of a bee).

Q - What is a Queen Bee?

A - The Queen starts life in the hive just like any worker/nurse bee. She is selected randomly by the workers for Queen status, and fed an exclusive diet of royal jelly. The diet then turns her into the remarkable being that she is, living forty times longer than the worker bees. So it is the royal jelly that make the queen bee, she is not born as royalty, she is made that way by her exclusive diet.

Q - How is it collected? -

A - it is only present in the hive in very small quantities. Accessing it requires a similar approach to removal of other hive substances, but in the case of royal jelly collection it is much more involved. The Queen is removed from the hive, providing access to the queen larvae cells which are cut away by the beekeeper in order to access the royal jelly.

Q - What is in it? -

A - Royal jelly contains lipids, minerals, vitamins (A, C, E, and B), amino acids, sugars, sterols, phosphorus, fatty acids, acetylcholine, nucleic acids, gelatin, gamma globulin, decanoic acid (an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal component), and several components which are unidentified and therefore cannot be recreated in a lab.
Royal Jelly Benefits
A milky white substance from the beehive, the benefits of royal jelly when taken as a health supplement are covered in this article.

Just a few of the commonly associated benefits of royal jelly include* -

- More energy
- Weight Loss / control
- Healthier skin and hair
- More youthful appearance
- Strengthened immune system
- Reproductive health - fertility
- More resilience to colds/flu
- Reduced feelings of stress etc.

Royal Jelly is taken extensively to promote energy and good health, it is considered by many to be a potent anti-oxidant. Produced in the beehive for the nourishment of the queen bee, it is a complex substance that cannot be recreated synthetically by man. When examining its properties and considering the source of its documented benefits, many conclude that it is its high amino acid content that may make it such a special and rejuvenating substance.

As with bee pollen, it is a nutritionally dense 'food' which may provide the body with many of the essential nutrients missing from modern diets. Its low glycemic index may compliment the properties of bee pollen in working as an effective weight loss aid*. Weight loss benefits

It's most common use is as a natural energy supplement, where it is said to provide not just a quick boost of energy but longer term benefit to energy, stamina and endurance. More and more we see people looking for information on royal jelly and how it might benefit the reproductive system and help hormonal balance. This isn't however a supplement sought after mostly by women, we see around a 53:47 split in the gender of our customers, with 53% being men.

It is also taken by many people as an antioxidant to aid the immune system. Free radicals are 'toxins' which attack the immune system and taking antioxidants in our diet can help prevent the build up of these harmful toxins in our system. The benefits may include a higher resilience to colds, viruses and flu, but the immune system has so much more control over our well being than the prevention of the common cold. So royal jelly benefits when associated with immune system are of great interest and the subject of various clinical studies.

But what happens when you take it back to its natural environment as found in the hive and combine it with bee pollen, propolis and honey?

If you are considering trying this product as a nutritional supplement, then consider this - there's a 'special synergy' from taking all four products from the beehive together in the correct proportions. [ Learn more about this special synergy here ]
Rita Elkins MH identifies and talks about this synergy in her book "Healing from the Hive". J.S Taylor covers it in his journal "Power of the Beehive".

Frequently Asked Questions about Royal Jelly

Q - What is Royal Jelly? -

A - Quite simply, royal jellyis a creamy yellow substance secreted by worker bees in the beehive for the nourishment of the Queen bee. (secretion from the hypopharyngeal glands located on either side of the head of a bee).

Q - What is a Queen Bee?

A - The Queen starts life in the hive just like any worker/nurse bee. She is selected randomly by the workers for Queen status, and fed an exclusive diet of royal jelly. The diet then turns her into the remarkable being that she is, living forty times longer than the worker bees. So it is the royal jelly that make the queen bee, she is not born as royalty!, she is made that way by her exclusive diet.

Q - How is it collected? -

A - it is only present in the hive in very small quantities. Accessing it requires a similar approach to removal of other hive substances, but in the case of royal jelly collection it is much more involved. The Queen is removed from the hive, providing access to the queen larvae cells which are cut away by the beekeeper in order to access the royal jelly.

Q - What is in it? -

A - Royal jelly contains lipids, minerals, vitamins (A, C, E, and B), amino acids, sugars, sterols, phosphorus, fatty acids, acetylcholine, nucleic acids, gelatin, gamma globulin, decanoic acid (an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal component), and several components which are unidentified and therefore cannot be recreated in a lab.

Q - What's the difference between fresh and freeze-dried royal jelly ?

A - This question is asked of us more than any other. There are a couple companies around who make a big marketing deal out of selling "fresh" royal jelly. In doing so, they naturally claim that if it's freeze-dried then it isn't fresh and isn't as good. Baloney. First of all, much of the so-called "fresh" royal jelly products are not fresh at all, they are reconstituted powder that has been re-liquified with water and other solubles. Why?. Well, the royal jelly as it is removed fresh from the hive, has around a 12 hour window for it to be "locked-down". If it isn't processed in this time-frame it loses its potency and starts to go bad. So it can either be frozen, where it obviously needs to be thawed for any subsequent processing (into capsules, vials etc), or it can be freeze-dried (the water removed) whereupon it becomes stable and can be stored/processed. The vast majority of royal jelly on the market today has been freeze-dried upon removal from the hive. It's the most effective way to handle and process the medium, and has no detriment to the nutritional value of the substance, provided it is done right.?Certain companies take the freeze-dried powder and add liquid, capsulate it, and sell it on as "fresh liquid royal jelly". It sure looks fresh, but it has been processed twice.?Others take the frozen royal jelly and sell it in jars, claiming that freeze-dried royal jelly in "no good". Well, you're selling frozen product, so how can freeze-drying be no good?'s removing the water only, nothing else. ?The upshot is, you'll need to be careful and read between the lines of what people are telling you. If they're screaming "fresh is good" - "freeze-dried is bad" and there pills contain only around 150mg, and there packaging looks like it's made for the Television commercials, then we suggest that you be very wary about believing anything that they are telling you.
For more information on royal jelly we recommend that you download our free ebook [ download ebook ]
As we've discussed elsewhere, royal jelly has benefitsand uses is Homeopathy in a variety of ways and to treat a variety of conditions. Whilst we refrain from making claims as to its benefits, we will help you investigate the many uses for royal jelly and assist in helping you find the most appropriate format for your needs.

We looked at Wikipedia and found a good deal of positive and useful information relating to royal jelly and the ailments it is commonly used to treat. Using Wiki as a reference point we found the following information - Royal jelly has been reported as a possible immunomodulatory agent in Graves' disease.It has also been reported to stimulate the growth of glial cells and neural stem cells in the brain. To date, there is preliminary evidence that it may have some cholesterol-lowering, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and antibiotic effects, though the last three of these effects are unlikely to be realized if ingested (due to the destruction of the substances involved through digestion, or neutralization via changes in PH. Research also suggests that the 10-Hydroxy-2-decenoic acid (10-HDA) found in royal jelly may inhibit the vascularization of tumors. Royal Jelly is said to improve fertility in both men and women, in men by increasing the quality of their sperm, and in women by increasing the quality of their eggs.

There are also some preliminary experiments (on cells and lab animals) in which royal jelly may have some benefit regarding certain other diseases, though there is no solid evidence for those claims, and further experimentation and validation would be needed to prove any useful benefit.
Our own research shows a much broader range of applications for royal jelly. We have people use the substance primarily for its associations with improved energy, but we feel that's really only scratching the surface. With its amino acid content it primarily acts in support to the immune system, and that in itself has far reaching benefits.
We supply royal jelly, we use royal jelly, but we are not medical practitioners, so please do your own research and be sure that you locate only the best products when you get around to trying it for yourself.What is royal jelly and what are the benefits of freeze dried royal jelly?
Often known a bees’ "milk", royal jelly is the concentrated super food whose nutritional benefits are responsible for turning an ordinary worker bee into a Queen Bee. Growing 50% larger than worker bees, she lives 4 to 5 years, compared to other bees that only live through one season.

Fresh royal jelly is a liquid containing approximately 67% water. It must be kept refrigerated or frozen to retain its nutritional integrity. Like any other product containing that much water it is perishable and has a shelf life of about one year if refrigerated. Most stores and suppliers do not keep their fresh royal jelly refrigerated and therefore the benefits of royal jelly may become depleted. Freeze-drying, also known as lyophilizing, is a dehydration process which removes the water from a substance by exposure to dry, freezing air: no heat or chemicals are involved. Lyophilized royal jelly is a freeze-dried powder in which allthe nutrients of fresh royal jelly are still present. In this state it can be stored at room temperature and thus has more uses and a longer shelf life, three years.

Also, of even more concern, yet rarely discussed, is the practice some suppliers use of working with pasteurized royal jelly. Protect yourself from this and learn more about pasteurized royal jelly here .

But why then do people still continue to sell it in liquid form?- there's no reason not to, so long as you (the company) have the capacity to process it and to still retain it's benefits. The downside is that you are essentially producing a product that is mostly water. When you offer this in pill form the pills are going to be very low potency, only 150mg of active susbtance is typical. So the consumer must take many pills to have an effective daily dose and to reap the benefits of fresh royal jelly - this can prove very costly! So we do prefer to remove the water, retain the integrity and offer our customers high dosage capsules, like our 1000mg royal jelly.

The finest Royal Jelly is freeze-dried, with all its nourishment and benefits 'locked-in' for the duration of its shelf life - other products retaining the high water content are perishable and the potency/benefit diminishes with normal storage.
Advantages of Royal Jelly
Just the name of this substance conjures up impressive images, and it may well be true that the properties and advantages of Royal Jelly are just as dramatic as its name. All bee larvae are fed Royal Jelly for the first three days after hatching – this powerful food is evidently essential to get the proper development of the bee under way and provide with the nutritional advantages that other common bees do not have. After those first days however, only larvae destined to become queen bees are fed this nutritious substance, the bees slated to be workers are given only bee bread and pollen. The queens-to-be literally swim in the Royal Jelly and much more is placed in their special brood cells than is needed for maturation. Royal Jelly actually looks a great deal like milk.
advantages of royal jelly Royal Jelly is not produced from pollen or nectar, but is a substance produced in the salivary glands of the bees tending the larvae. Bees serve as nurse bees for only a certain number of days, and it is during this time that they are able to produce Royal Jelly and benefit from its many advantages. This substance is absolutely essential if the developing queen is destined to have functioning ovaries and provide eggs for new workers in the hive. Royal Jelly also contributes to the much larger size of the queen, and the fact that she will live for up to seven years, rather than just a season as do the workers.
The high level of protein found in Royal Jelly might also provide some nutritional benefits and advantages to you if you add this to your dietary supplement program. Royal Jelly typically contains between 12% and 15% protein, along with a full complement of amino acids and fatty acids. There are quite a few essential minerals found in Royal Jelly, including iron, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. Probably the most important group of vitamins found in the jelly are those belonging to the Vitamin B group – folic acid, B1, B2, and B12. Simple sugars are also found which may work to provide the body with a natural energy boost.
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, affects many people and can lead to serious problems such as heart disease, stroke, or even kidney failure. Royal Jelly supplements have been found to naturally lower high blood pressure, and this has been proven in several tests conducted in Japan.
One very important property of Royal Jelly is that it seems to have a beneficial effect on the glial cells in the brain. It also works positively on the stem cells located there too. These cells are vital in sending messages throughout the brain, so the nurturing effects of Royal Jelly may help to prevent, or reverse (to some extent) some of the effects of Alzheimer’s Disease or perhaps senility. Experiments have shown that ingesting Royal Jelly can have a positive response in cognitive functions. Read more about royal jelly and its benefits
As Royal Jelly feeds what might be termed the most important member of the hive, keeping the larva designated as a potential queen healthy, is paramount. The close environment of the hive, despite the cleanly habits of bees, can foster the growth of bacteria and fungi. Fortunately, Royal Jelly and the other hive substances (like propolis and honey) contain compounds which are antibacterial in nature and help prevent the larva from becoming diseased.
Royal Jelly can help to fight E. Coli bacteria as well as gram positive bacteria and Streptococcus bacteria. Some help in dealing with recurrent bladder infections has also been reported with regular supplemental use.
As Royal Jelly greatly extends the life-cycle of the queen bee, it is thought that it might have some 'longevity' benefit on those who take Royal Jelly supplements. Although long term tests have yet to be verified as to any human longevity benefits, tests conducted on mice have shown that the rodents will live consistently longer when fed Royal Jelly.
Our immune system is what protects us from bacteria, viruses, and other disease. Anything that compromises the immune system, such as stress or fatigue, can leave us more vulnerable to a wide range of ailments. In our fast paced world, any external support we can provide to keep our immune system strong and responsive will keep us healthier and happier. Royal Jelly has been shown to augment and strengthen the immune system. The gamma globulin contained in Royal Jelly may help your immunological system to become more effective at fighting pathogens.
Adding Royal Jelly to your daily supplement regimen could well produce favorable results for you. The many nutrients and trace elements, which are impossible to replicate in the laboratory, may work to help your body deal with stress, aging, high blood pressure, and damage to the immune system. You may well find that your complexion, hair, skin and nail health improves both as your body is nourished more completely, but also because of the ability and advantages of Royal Jelly when it comes to promoting the development of collagen. Collagen is important in keeping the skin younger and wrinkle free. The benefits of royal jelly to the skin have seen the substance commonly used within natural skin care products.

Royal Jelly and Fertility
A question we are asked many times is "can royal jelly help with fertility?"
Royal Jelly is taken as a dietary supplement for a wide variety of issues/reasons, including to boost fertility. In fact it isn't just taken to boost fertility but also for other areas of reproductive health, including to increase libido and support egg health.
Certainly the inference is that it is most commonly used to boost fertility in women, but it is also taken by men for the same purpose of increasing virility, libido and sperm count.
Also, it isn't just taken prior to conception, but also during and after pregnancy to assist with hormonal imbalance, as it may assist in providing support to the endocrine system. We've also discussed on our blog that studies have shown Royal Jelly may have estrogen like effects, which can help the many women who suffer from low estrogen levels. Of course, we strongly advise that you consult with your health care professional before taking royal jelly for fertility, or during pregnancy.
Of course it's always good to have some scientific support before embarking on a regimen on supplements to boost fertility. In the "Infertility Cure", fertility expert Dr. Randine Lewis describes various studies detailing royal jelly as potentially beneficial to fertility.
We've covered in great detail around our website the many and varied benefits of royal jelly and we've covered also its chemical composition and nutrient content .
If you decide to include royal jellyin your diet then obviously you'll have choices to make. We recommend that you start by reading this article on how to select bee products, as a way of understanding the differences and making an informed selection.
Royal jelly effectsus all in different ways and it's important to understand the benefits of this product, particularly when considering something as important as fertility and reproductive health.

Studies of royal jelly on female fertility.

There have been too few studies on humans to conclude any real benefits when considering royal jelly and its impact on fertility. Lab studies on animals however have shown some potential for fertility benefits and improvement. A study published in the June 2006 issue of "Animal Reproductive Science" tested the effects of royal jelly on sheep, comparing it with placebo. The rates of conception were higher in the groups given royal jelly than in the placebo groups, indicating a positive benefit on reproductive health and the likelihood of conception.

Male Fertility Studies

A study published in 2010 ["Animal Reproductive Science"] examined the effects of royal jelly on male fertility in rabbits. A total of 24 rabbits were given placebo or doses of royal jelly. Testosterone levels rose to as high as 143 percent of initial levels and sperm improved by as much as 18 percent with actual sperm output increasing by as much as 65%
Generally speaking animal studies are intended to be useful as indication of the potential effect on humans, though in some cases human effect is not a consideration.

Royal Jelly and Libido / Reproductive Function

royal jellyVarious studies have been conducted into the effectiveness of royal jelly in improving libido, desire, energy and sexual function, in both men and women. Also, as a tonic for reproductive health and fertility, it has been closely examined and various reports and studies are available.

There is little doubt that our sex drive diminishes at various times during our lives. Stress, illness, or simply that natural course of aging can have a dampening effect on our love lives leading to increased stress and anxiety on ourselves and our partners. Royal jelly has been used for centuries as a natural libido aid and aphrodisiac. It's properties, high amino acid content, minerals, vitamins, and that 'unknown' element which has still to be identified, appear to assist in reproductive function and intimate stimulation. It has even been used by high profile figures, to aid in fertility. The Duchess of York and Prince Andrew took royal Jelly to boost their fertility prior to the conception of the royal princesses!

While there are conflicting opinions among experts as to the cause of low libido/desire, there is a commonly shared view that certain foods can help. A diet rich in fruits, fibers, vegetables, grains and legumes can help assist libido and sexual desire, as can many of the traditional libido enhancers such as ginger root, cardamon, cloves and fresh garlic, pepper.

On the supplement front, both ginseng and royal jelly are used to increase libido, though we don't generally recommend ginseng since it can have other negative effects on the cardiovascular system, particularly in older people.


Royal Jellyhas been shown to have positive effects on impotence in men. It can work positively on the prostate gland, and also to relax urethra compression. Impotency is by no means incurable and it isn't always necessary to resort to harsh chemicals and prescription drugs to assist the problem. Natural products like royal jelly have been shown by Chinese and Korean researchers to be effective in the treatment of different libido / fertility related problems including impotency.

As always, if you plan to add royal jelly to your diet, do so under medical supervision, particularly if you have a history of medical problems. This can be said of all vitamin supplements, not just bee products. If you plan to purchase royal jelly, try to source a supplier where you can be sure that the product has not been pasteurized, as many seem to do these days. Also, consider combining royal jelly with bee pollen, propolis and honey, as a complete source of daily nutrition and vitamin supplementation.

Does royal jelly work?

We get asked the question, "does royal jelly work ?" all too frequently by people pondering the idea of trying royal jelly for the first time. There are many potential health benefits with royal jelly, as explored in this resource - royal jelly benefits. But what people are really asking when they ask if royal jelly 'works', is "will it work for me". Of course that's a question that is extremely difficult to answer, particularly talking over the phone with a person whom one has never actually met!
But there are ways to answer it in a meaningful fashion by turning to research and statistical probability. The simple fact is that there are perhaps over one million people taking royal jelly on a regular basis, and a large percentage of those people are convinced that it works and will cite specific ways in which they claim it has benefited their health. Couple that with the large amount of clinical research available on royal jelly, and it would seem to all point towards a positive response to the question "does royal jelly work". Of course, the only way to remove the element of statistical uncertainty is to try it for yourself. Do so in a controlled manner if you possibly can. Keep a diary of your daily experiences and how you believe royal jelly may be impacting your health. Then after a month, stop taking it and see if you can honestly say that the benefits you've recorded begin to diminish over time.
If you're looking for a good place to start, a good resource for royal jelly information, then turn to our resource directory here. Then when you think you are ready, bookmark our website and take a look around at what's out there on the WWW. Use Googleto search for royal jelly and see what you come up with. Then head back on over here to our royal jelly product page here.
The key to taking any health supplements is research. Don't jump on the latest fad products, stick with nutritional supplements which have been around for some time with recorded cases of user feedback. Stay with reputable sources too, and avoid junk products with no real proof of origin.
I think you'll find that once you use quality product, you'll be pleased to find that royal jelly really does work.
And while your around here, why not learn about the other products from the beehive like bee pollen

What is royal jelly and what is it good for?

Honey bees make royal jelly in the beehive as food for the queen bee. It is obviously good for the Queen as she lives much longer when compared to the common worker bee or drone, and has far greater reproductive powers.

But what is royal jelly?

royal jelyIt is a nutritious, yellow, liquid substance, with a creamy texture. It is quite acidic on the tongue and very pleasant to taste, unless of course it has been combined with honey. The substance itself is actually a secretion from special glands located in the heads of worker bees. It is fed initially to bee larvae, which eventually develops into queens, whereupon the queen continues on her rather exclusive diet for the remainder of her days. When asking 'what is royal jelly?' most people are looking for information on its nutritional properties and how those specific nutrients might be beneficial to our health. A basic chemical assessment of the substance determines that royal jelly is made up of 60-70% water, 12-15% protein, 10-15% percent sugars, and 3-7%% percent fats. The remainder is made up from amino acids and vitamins. So it's worth noting that as with most substances existing in a liquid state, the majority of its chemical composition is H2O, or water. Now people start to get a little confused about royal jelly and water and whether or not it's better for you if you leave the water in it. ( Learn about freeze-dried royal jelly where the water is removed, here). Lets be clear, there's nothing mystical or magical about water, it's two hydrogen elements combined with one oxygen. The issues becomes more focused on the processes used to remove the water, as is usually the case when royal jelly is converted into a vitamin supplement. Read the above article to understand the importance of the process of freeze drying and how it leads to a more stable, fresh and potent substance. So we've answered the question of what is royal jelly, it is 70% water, but remove the water and you have a concentration of proteins, sugars and fats, with some amino acids and vitamins. Those of you thinking "oh, I'm going to gain weight if I take this", just hang on a second. You're generally only going to take around 1000mg of royal jelly per day, which isn't going to make you fat, it only contains 4 or 5 calories. But what you are going to be ingesting are the vitamins, and more importantly the amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of life and some are considered 'essential' to life and most be ingested through what we eat. It is believed by many that the true power of royal jelly, if such a thing exists, is in its amino acid makeup.

So what is it good for, what are the health benefits?

We have a lot of information around this website on the benefits of royal jelly.Start by following that link and we'll show you some of what has been reported as being beneficial. Commonly, the first thing people think of when considering what is it good for, is energy. Then, research leads us into observations about its anti-aging possibilities and we associate that with 'longevity'. Many assume that because of its role in the beehive and its affect on the reproductive capacity of the queen bee that it is good for fertility. Let's look at royal jelly and fertility as a separate topic here .

Beyond the above, the range of benefits are directly assumed due to the listed amino acids and nutrients. Each listed component has its own research and when found in royal jelly it is assumed that those specific benefits will be present. Lets look at these specifically -

Vitamin B I (Thiamine) 1.5 to 7.4 mcg

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 5.3 to 10.0 mcg

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 2.2 to 10.2 mcg

Niacin (nicotinic acid) 91.0 to 149.0 mcg

Pantothenic Acid 65.0 to 200.0 mcg

Biotin 0.9 to 3.7 mcg

Inositol 78.0 to 150.0 mcg

Folic Acid 0.16 to 0.50mcg

Vitamin C Trace amount

It contains traces of all 8 essential amino acids.

It's worthy of note that regional variations and the processes used in collecting royal jelly will impact these numbers, so they'll vary slightly from source to source and batch to batch.

Hopefully that goes some way to answering the question of what is royal jelly and you have a better understanding of its potential benefits. But it doesn't end there. You can quite easily neutralize any benefits during the collection and subsequent processing of the substance as it's removed from the hive. So be sure to buy product from reputable sources. For example, if I do a Google search for 'royal jelly', and run through the top 20 or so companies who appear in the results, I know for a fact that over 50% of them use raw ingredients which are pasteurized. That sounds odd when you consider the wild claims people make about the 'freshness' and integrity of their products and how one might 'feel the benefits'. Obviously this is hype, given the knowledge of their approach to processing/packaging the substance. So tread carefully, and here's a little more information on the harm caused by pasteurization .and propolis. Each have a different nutritional focus and each may provide you with a unique set of health benefits

Royal Jelly Effects

Usually people looking for information on royal jelly effects are looking for its side-effects and there's and obvious negative connotation associated with the term "side effects". Without doubt, royal jelly has been shown to be mostly free from negative side effects and largely speaking a provider of positive benefits to human health. It should be stated that very few clinical studies have been performed to examine the effects of royal jelly on human health, most of the studies which have been conducted have been overseas.

So taking royal jelly, what effects can you expect?

Side effects - some people have an allergic reaction when taking royal jelly and other bee products. This is generally mild and the result as a slight reddening of the skin, closely mimicking a mild case of 'Hives'. Quite often a simple test can be made in new users by simply placing a small pinch of the powder on the back of the tongue, if there's a burning or irritation then this is probably a sign of a negative side effect. But very few users are troubled by these issues, there are very few reported cases of a negative reaction to royal jelly.

What is royal jelly good for?

There are many resources and references available to demonstrate the health effects of royal jelly. Usually people examine the nutrient content of this substance then associate certain vitamins and minerals with certain known health benefits. So deciding what royal jelly is good for is made simpler by looking at the nutrient content and going from there.

Generally the positive health associations include energy, longevity / anti aging and benefits to the immune system. Is it going to be good for you? - why not try it to find out for yourself.

So as always there's a stigma that follows health supplements and it's important for people to do their own research and find out what effects they are looking for and how a specific substance might prove beneficial. Of course this process needs to be approved finally by one's own GP

Royal Jelly - The Natural Rejuvenator or not?

I remember the time when royal jelly was relatively unheard of, perhaps as far back as the start of the Internet revolution. Nowadays there's a lot more awareness of health supplements and far more people are aware of the health benefits of royal jelly particularly with its reputation as an anti aging supplement.

Taking vitamin supplements seems to be the trendy thing to do. Whether or not something we are taking is known to work, or even known to be safe, is something that we conveniently place in the back of our minds. But what we need to understand is that not all supplements are created equal, and when it comes to nutritional composition we find royal jelly to be amongst the top, at least in terms of its potential benefit as a natural rejevenator and its anti aging support on human health.
There are other substances which attract our attention from the beehive, honey perhaps being the most popular followed by bee pollen, royal jelly and then perhaps propolis. Some people also swear by the use of beeswax and even fewer take bee venom as a nutritive supplement. But what is all of this and how can it possibly be of benefit to us?

anti aging properties of royal jellyBee products are unusual in the way they are so different yet they contain quite similar properties. They're different in the sense of how they come to be. Take bee pollen for example. A nutritionally dense substance which is basically select pollens collected by honeybees from plant life and bundled together into tiny pellets and transported back to the hive. Mixed along the way with certain bee secretions the pollens take on a wide range of nutrients, actually with quite an impressive nutritional profile. Packed with proteins, usable carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, amino-acids – bee pollen is a complex substance which has the capacity to provide us with all of the nutrition our body needs. That in itself is quite remarkable, given the simplicity of its origins in the plant and insect world.

But what of the subject of this paper, “royal Jelly”? It is really quite an interesting substance from the top down. Sharing some of the properties of its cousins from the hive it also contains many useful vitamins and minerals and more importantly perhaps, amino acids. Again, very complex in its structure, it also contains compounds which are not yet fully understood, compounds which may account for the rather unique role it plays within the beehive. This role essentially is in the nutritional nurturing of the bee larvae, creating and ongoing support of the ruler of the hive, the Queen bee. This remarkable insect possesses certain powers which are bestowed only on her and are missing from the rest of her companions in the beehive. These powers include a remarkable capacity for longevity and reproduction, far out-performing the workers/drones on all levels. Her only source of power is through her nutrition – royal jelly.

The story of the beehive becomes complete when you examine the role of propolis , widely termed 'bee glue'. It is also collected externally from the beehive by the honeybee from the sticky resins of plant bark and leaves, then returned to the hive where it is used to repair cracks in the hive wall and create a sanitary foundation for the hive population. It has strong anti viral and antibiotic properties which essentially seal the hive against viral attacks from the outside world, rather like a computer firewall, to use a modern parallel.

So there you have it. A remarkable place acts as home to these remarkable insects, with the fruits of their labor being available to man as power-packed nutritive substances – bee pollen – propolis – honey and royal jelly.