Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bee Pollen and Allergies

Bee Pollen and Allergies

Firstly we need to dispel a myth, many people assume that because they have allergic reactions to bee stings they cannot take bee pollen or other bee products like royal jelly for allergies. Generally that is not the case, the bee sting consists of bee venom, which is clearly intended to cause a negative reaction in the unfortunate victim, but bee pollen , propolis , royal jellyand honey do not contain bee venom.

So can taking bee pollen benefit my allergies, is bee pollen an allergy cure?

Many people claim to have benefited from or had their allergies cured by consuming bee pollen, with reduced susceptibility to bee sting reactions and other allergic reactions. Bee pollen reduces the production of histamine in the body which is known to cause allergic reactions stemming from exposure to pollen dust or other airborne contaminants. Often the symptoms are grouped under the general heading of 'hay fever'.
Bee pollen when used as an allergy treatment has a way of gradually desensitizing the body and reducing its natural defensive reaction to the ingress of these airborne ailments. In a sense you are training your body not to react negatively, thus reducing the severity of the allergic reaction to these airborne contaminants. In addition, bee pollen users have shown a gradual strengthening of the respiratory system in general. Coupled with the desensitizing properties, this seems to improve the bodies overall ability to defend itself from allergic reactions.
We should say at this point that if you suffer from allergies, take bee pollen under the supervision of your medical practitioner (as with any natural supplements). Likewise if you've had severe reactions to bee stings and/or you suffer from asthma or other severe respiratory problems, bee pollen may not be safe for you. More detail on allergy treatment with bee pollen .
Its easy to become drawn to trying products after reading about their potential health benefits, but if you have existing ailments the introduction of bee pollen or any natural product can cause negative reactions, so always consult with your practitioner before use. In the same way when taking bee pollen for weight loss , it's still necessary to do so under supervision.
It's good also to understand what the potential side affects can be, upset stomach, reddening of the skin, swelling of the tongue and respiratory problems are some of the more serious side affects, of course there are a relatively small percentage of bee pollen users who exhibit any kind of negative reaction.
When taking bee products for allergies or any other medical condition, introduce them slowly into your diet and in small doses. If you are using capsules, it's often easy to pop the capsule open and dispense half the powder into a cool drink. Or preferably, open the capsule and dab a small amount of the powder onto your tongue to see if any reaction is felt.
We recommend bee pollen for allergies and other benefits, but always under controlled and supervised conditions.



Allergies and Bee Pollen

Many people suffer from seasonal allergies which can be quite debilitating in more severe cases, using bee pollen in the correct way may assist in minimizing the affect of allergies . Airborne allergens are those found in the area where you live and work. These allergens come from the pollengrains of flowers, trees, shrubs, and any other plant-life in your immediate area, with ragweed being a very common source of allergy problems.When honeybees harvest pollen and nectar in your area they are collecting these same pollens which are causing a negative reaction in your body, and small amounts of these pollens are present in the honey and bee pollen produced in the hive.

When people are treated conventionally for allergies it is generally one of two methods which is used - antihistamines or immunotherapy.
Antihistamines rarely treat the cause of the problems, they merely lessen the effects. Taking prescription drugs like antihistamines may be necessary to deal with severe allergy conditions, but should be avoided if at all possible, as they do little for the long term causes.

Immunotherapy deals with basically introducing small and controlled amounts of known allergens into your system, allowing your body to slowly adapt and build up a self-resistance. For this reason, and for this method, using bee pollenas an effective allergy treatment has become extremely popular. Taking small amount of local bee pollen introduces small amounts of local allergens into your system and your body has a chance to adapt. Likewise, local honey can be used in the same way. But it is necessary to start out with small doses and to increase them over time. Also, to restate, using local bee pollen and honey is going to deliver those allergens which are local and known to be causing you issues. Using a generic bee pollen or honey product, where the origin is unknown, may provide you with fewer benefits.
Use these approaches under medical supervision. Bee products can cause severe reactions in susceptible individuals so it is important to know what you are doing and what to expect. The negative side effects of bee pollen are generally no more serious than a mild case of hives, which is experienced in only a small number of people who take the product. Cease using the product immediately if you experience any negative side effects.


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