Bee pollen contains active ingredients with a proven ability to
assist in weight loss and weight regulation.
There are many documented benefits to using bee pollen and it has
long been associated with weight loss and weight regulation, but what evidence
do we have via clinical research into these claims?
Many studies have been conducted over the years into the benefits of bee pollen and with few exceptions the results have shown that there are consistent improvements to metabolism (the rate at which your body burns fat); the dissolving and flushing of fat cells from your body, and also a consistent indication that it can help reduce cravings for food and other substances.
It's important to remember that bee pollen is actually a 'food' and not technically a 'vitamin supplement'. The nutrients in Bee Pollen are very concentrated meaning that even small amounts may provide effective and valuable levels of nutritional sustenance - dietary antioxidants, bioflavonoids and polyphenols in particular, along with lecithin. These essential components of nutrition are missing from modern diets since we generally opt not to eat our recommended daily amounts of fruits and vegetables, and because the foods we do eat are nutritionally deficient.
Weight Loss Specifics
Foods are digested and enter the bloodstream at a specific rate, termed the Glycemic Index. The substance with the highest glycemic index rating is sugar (100). Food substances with higher GI's cause a high rise in the creation of insulin, which is essentially a delivery system hormone for the storage of fats. Ingesting foods with a lower GI (proteins, fibers and certain fats with a positive nutritional benefit) help balance and control the release of insulin and therefore minimize the creation and retention of unwanted body fat.
Bee pollen is an excellent
source of protein and fatty acids which have a low GI rating and do not
elevate levels of insulin - it is also high in lecithin which helps break down
But doesn't that suggests one may need to replace significant levels of food intake with bee pollen, for it to be effective?. Actually no, not necessarily. The issue comes about through our bodies demand for nutrients. Most of the processed foods that are featured predominantly in Western diets are nutrient deficient yet high in calories. Think about white breads, pasta, rice, and almost any food that comes to you in a packet. Our body requires nutrients to function healthily and it can't get the nutrients it needs from these empty calories, so it encourages you to continue eating beyond the point where you've consumed sufficient foods to meet your energy demands. So the excess food is simply converted to body fat and stored on your hips and thighs! But by simply adding a nutritionally dense 'superfood' to your diet, you may find that your body reaches its target nutrient intake with a far lower rate of calorie consumption - put another way, it requires you to eat less.
So what's the catch? - well, it's a VERY BIG one. When you look at our typical diets, you may wonder why we're not getting the nutrient content we need. We start the day with a glass of OJ, we eat our fiber breads, drink our milk and appear on the surface to be consuming a fairly healthy and balanced assortment of foods. The problem is that in many cases these foods have been pasteurized and/or irradiated before landing on our tables. Pasteurization of milks and natural fruit juices is a legal requirement in the USA, and many vegetable products are irradiated to reduce bacterial content for storage and transportation. Yes, even fresh fruits and vegetables in some instances may be irradiated at source. What has this to do with bee pollen, I thought that's the reason we SHOULD take it? Yes, provided your bee pollen hasn't been irradiated or heat treated! - if it has, you're back to square one.
At this point, you should also consider expanding the scope of
your supplementation to include other health-providing properties. Royal
jelly and propolis too play a part in regulating our
cravings and providing nutritional balance. This is the primary reason we
created our Total Bee
Plus product, we firmly believe that though bee pollen is
beneficial in single form, a combination supplement provides so much more than
the sum of the individual parts.
In combining bee pollen
, royal jelly , propolis and honey
into one capsule, we capture the full spectrum of vitamins, minerals and
essential amino acids. These building blocks of nutrition have long been
associated with energy, health and general wellness, including weight
regulation and weight loss.
While there are many benefits to using bee
pollen and other bee products, there are also some people who have been
known to react negatively when ingesting these products from the beehive.
Allergic reactions are generally very mild, a slight reddening of the skin is a
common symptom for anyone allergic to bee products.
Anti Aging and Longevity -
We become all misty eyed when people talk about 'longevity', the
Holy Grail where we live forever. But just think about the greatest influence on
our longevity in modern society - obesity and cardio related health issues. If
you could cure obesity and minimize negative impacts on the heart, wouldn't it
be fair to talk about a 'longevity aid'?.
As a longevity product it is interesting to read the many reports
that pertain to the benefits of bee pollen propolis and
royal jelly and how these substances from the beehive may slow down the
aging process and actually extend life by controlling things like cholesterol
and blood sugar levels. We are not claiming that this is fact, but it is
interesting that multiple research projects have suggested it to be the
Considering the longevity of the Queen Bee, who is fed an exclusive diet of royal jelly, it stands to reason that scientists would look towards royal jelly and the chemical composition of the substance, to try to learn more about its impact on longevity and the reproductive system.
Considering the longevity of the Queen Bee, who is fed an exclusive diet of royal jelly, it stands to reason that scientists would look towards royal jelly and the chemical composition of the substance, to try to learn more about its impact on longevity and the reproductive system.
All in all we feel that there is more than enough evidence to
recommend the inclusion of bee pollen and other products from the beehive in
your daily diet regimen.
For more information on premium (never irradiated or heat-treated)
bee pollen we recommend that you download our free ebook [ download ebook ] - and/or use
these links to more reference information on bee pollen and its many benefits -
buy domestic USA bee pollen | bee pollen benefits
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